How I work

Lani Parker, Bolder Lives coach, sits at a table to carry out a coaching session
Lani Parker, Bolder Lives coach, sits at a table to carry out a coaching session (credit: Rehanna Neky)

I will help you imagine your goals and together we will tangibly identify what stops you from reaching them. I start from the position that there is nothing wrong with you and nothing to be fixed. I am interested in building a world where no one is disposable and where we honour ourselves and each other. From this position my aim is to use coaching as a tool to support my clients to make connections and changes that they haven’t yet fully imagined but which will enrich their lives and their relationships.

I am careful to honour emotions, the body and your relationships, while also challenging them when necessary. The stories we tell and re-tell ourselves are sometimes outdated and unhelpful. Emotions and experiences can be stored in the body in ways which can block creativity or our ability to move in new directions. I will look at the whole context as we cannot be separated as individuals from the reality in which we live. I will focus on your relationships and the systems in which you operate, and help you to make change.

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