What is coaching?

Coaching is about making change. Coaching provides space for you to build on your strengths and what is working and to remake what is not. The world we live in can easily discourage us, isolate us and exhaust us and we all need support to move forward.

Coaching can be a space where you are nourished, challenged and supported to move towards the life you want. Everything happens twice - once in your imagination and once in reality. Coaching will help you build the life you want.

I believe in courageous goals. I believe that we are powerful. Part of reaching courageous goals is to take small steps, to build the support and skills that we need.

As a coach I am highly skilled at seeing the bigger picture to help you to make connections that will enable both small steps and big strides. I have worked in roles where problem-solving has been high on the agenda but as a coach I will not problem-solve for you. I will use my skills and desires for solutions to allow you to explore options for moving in new or different directions.

My work is informed by advocacy and social justice frameworks, and a knowledge of the ways in which we often internalise oppressive ways of thinking, feeling and being. I understand the importance of acknowledging and exploring material and internalised barriers, particularly those resulting from systemic oppression and marginalisation. This also includes looking at the ways in which we uphold oppressive systems in our behaviour and attitudes. For instance, for me, as a white person, it is important to interrogate and work against white supremacy, both in terms of my own behaviour and relationships as well as at a more collective level. I believe that our power is not defined or contained by oppressive systems and I excel at and take pleasure in helping people re-imagine their power – to live bolder lives.

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